Learning Collaborative Development Lab Fall 2008 Results
Place any and all common results, code, notes here.
Zenit-Wiki Search by Ezadkiel Marbella:
CmdUtils.CreateCommand({ name: "zenit/wiki specific search:", takes: {"search zenit/wiki term": noun_arb_text}, preview: function( pblock, wikiquery ) { pblock.innerHTML = "Will Search For: " + wikiquery.text; }, execute: function( wikiquery ) { var url = "http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Special:Search?search={QUERY}&go=Go" var query = wikiquery.text; var urlString = url.replace("{QUERY}", query); Utils.openUrlInBrowser(urlString); } })
This is my submission. I am assuming we are encouraged to reuse code wherever possible. When using the search it is recommended that you separate the terms by + signs as that is what the goggle interface inserts between search terms. I found that it works when spaces are used as well though.
--John64 16:24, 9 September 2008 (UTC)
/*This function is based of Ezadkiel Marbella http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Learning_Collaborative_Development_Lab_Fall_2008_Results */ CmdUtils.CreateCommand({ name: "zenit-google-search:", takes: {"search terms seperated by a '+' sign": noun_arb_text}, preview: function( pblock, googlequery ) { pblock.innerHTML = "Will Search For: " + googlequery.text; }, execute: function( googlequery ) { var urlPrefix = "http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=site%3Azenit.senecac.on.ca%2Fwiki+" var urlSuffix = "&btnG=Search&meta=" var query = googlequery.text; var urlString = urlPrefix + query + urlSuffix; Utils.openUrlInBrowser(urlString); } })