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Winter 2020 SPO600 Participants

Revision as of 11:30, 13 January 2020 by Swang206 (talk | contribs) (Participant and Project Table)

These are the participants in the SPO600 course during Winter 2020.

Participant and Project Table

Sortable Table
Click on the arrow icon in any column to sort by that column.
# First Name Surname Preferred name or nickname Blog URL Seneca LDAP ID Role and Program
e.g., CTY Student
Project Alternate Project Notes Regarding Projects Marks Review Requested
00 Chris Tyler Chris chris.tyler Professor
01 Benjamin White Ben BWhite19 CPA Student
02 Marco Rinaldo Marco mrinaldo CPA Student
03 James Daniel Semilla James JDSEMILLA CPA Student
04 Rohil Rohil Khakhar Rohil rkkhakhar CPA Student
05 David Miller David dmiller23 CPA Student
06 Gia Bao Nguyen Danny gbnguyen CPA Student
07 Hao Lu Hao thlu1 CPA Student
08 Nigel Seecharan Nigel nseecharan CPA Student
09 Gillian Becker Gillian gbecker CTY Student
10 Hyouk Sun Kwon HyoukSun hskwon CPA Student
11 Hyunji Lee Hyunji hlee211 CPA Student
12 Rodrigo Visentini Palmieri Rodrigo rvisentini-palmieri CPD Student
13 Mark-Henry Tasarra Mark Mntasarra CPA Student
14 Yick Ming Lam Dennis ymlam7 CPA Student
15 Vien Luong Jason vluong5 CPA student
16 Elisa Ng Elisa eng-li CPA student
17 Qi Shao Dilys qshao5 CTY student
18 Koto Sumioka Koto ksumioka CPA Student
19 Andriy Ostapovych Andriy aostapovych CPA Student
20 Wang Shichao Shichao swang206 CPA Student
21 Luca Luca Cataldo lcataldo CPA Student
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Column definitions

  • # - Sequential line number
  • First Name - Your first name, linked to your Wiki profile page
  • Last Name - Your surname
  • Preferred name / nickname - The name you like to be called (this might be the same as your first name, or different)
  • Seneca LDAP Id - Your Seneca LDAP identifier, used for your Seneca email account, student record access, computer login, server accounts, and so forth.
  • Role and Program - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, IFS Student, CDOT Researcher, etc.

Leave these fields blank to start:

  • Project - Link to your first SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
  • Notes Regarding Project - Any comments you have about your project selection.
  • Project Approval - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.

Instructions - Participant Information

Please add your name and Seneca LDAP ID as soon as possible. Link your name to your Wiki user page, and introduce yourself on that page.

Instructions - Marks Review

To request a review of your marks, please: (1) Put an entry in the "Marks Review Requested" column with the appropriate keyword(s): Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec to request a review of the blog marks for the corresponding month, or 1/2/3 to request a review of the corresponding project stage. (2) Send me an email with the details.