Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
Project Name
Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
Project Description
Not enough is understood about the various communities and companies who develop with Mozilla, as opposed to those who work on the Mozilla code itself. A proper survey needs to be conducted in order to find out which APIs are being used and how, what is hard, what could be improved, etc. The Mozilla Platform Application Developers is interested in changing this. Their goal is to work with the Mozilla development community to survey, understand, and document the current state of the art. In this project you will work with the mozpad community to connect with projects/companies in orbit around Mozilla and do interviews with their developers. You will then document this information.
See also: and
Contacts: plasticmillion
Project Leader(s)
Kenneth Lee
Project Contributor(s)
- Lukas Blakk (lsblakk) - happy to run a script if you need me
Project Details
0.1 Release
Create a list of e-mail/users that are willing to run the script made by Matt.
Project Outline and Description Page
0.2 Release
Currently, there has been some complications with the project and as of now, I am working with AJ Rehman and contributing to his project (Documenting Interface Reference Documents).
Goals: Read and document the following classes.