OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Under construction!
Week 1 - Sep 3
This Week 1
- Introduction to Open Source development.
- Collaboration Tools:
- Wiki
- Blog
- Code Repository
- Git, Svn, ....
- Big Blue Button
- Etherpad
- Object Orientation Review
- C Review
- main Function return value
- pointers
- pointers and arrays
To Do 1
Due January 10 (Friday) 18:00
- Create an account on github
- Make sure your account name is presentable. This name will stay with you forever.
- Make sure your information on github is complete (real name, email, etc...)
- Send ONE email to me(Hasan) containing your git hub id
- subject of the email should be 344Github20141
- email content
- name: Your Name (exactly as it appears on your Seneca student card)
- nickname: Your Nick name (how friends usually call you)
- Git hub ID: your Github id
Due by Jan 13, 23:59
- Create a blog (anywhere you like or use the one you already have)
- Join the IRC by registering your nickname on freenode server and joining the #seneca-oop344 channel for 344 related dialog
- Additional channels of interest: #seneca to interact with all Seneca students participating in opensource projects, and #seneca-social for Social (off-topic) dialog.
- Read Pro-git book
- Chapter One and Chapter Two
- Create an account on this wiki: send an email to cdot-wiki-admin@senecac.on.ca and ask for an account, an email will be sent back to you with your userid and a temporary password; make sure you have the following included in your email.
- Email subject: Wiki Account Request
- The subject you are enrolled in: "OOP344"
- Your Seneca user id
- Send this email from your Seneca Account only
- Learn how to do basic editing in a wiki
Resources 1
Week 2 - Sep 10
This Week 2
- C++ Review (Lecture)
- Pointers and arrays
- Object Orientation
- Classes and privacy
- Helpers and Friends
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Operators
- Dynamic Memory
- pre-processor directives
To Do 2
- If you have not already, request an account on this wiki (admin email can be found on wiki login page, top right of the screen)
- Add your information to The Student List as soon as possible
- Git Exercise: (You need to generate an SSH key before you can do this exercise)
- Fork the exercise 1 repo from github into your account
- Clone the repo in your account to your local machine
- Open the solution in Visual Studio 2012
- Find the errors in the program and fix them (Discussing this on the IRC channel is encouraged, but supplying answers is frowned upon)
- Check your output against the oop344-ex1-output to be sure you corrected the program properly
- Once complete, add the file to your git stage and commit it with a message that details what you did to fix the program
- Push the commit back to your git repository
Resources 2
Week 3 - Sep 17
This Week 3
- pre-processor directives
- macros
- Conditional Compilation
- Operators
- consts
- void pointers
- default args
- typedef, (including C usage)
- namespace
To Do 3
- Write a program called basicMath:
$ bm 2 + 3<Enter>
$ 5
$ bm 2 x 3<Enter>
$ 6
$ bm Heehaw the hoohoo<Enter>
$ bm <number> <+-x/> <number><ENTER>
- Write a function that receives the env[] array and an environment variable name and returns the value.
- Write a function called strncat that concats several strings
strncat(des, "Hello", " I am ", "testing ", "this!", 0);
Code these, blog and discuss it....
link title
Resources 3
Week 4 - Sep 24
This Week 4
To Do 4
- Download project from github (do not fork, your code must remain private)
Resources 4
- CIO Library
- contains the bconsole.h and bconsole.cpp files for the assignment, also contains a start to the assignment with a near complete console.h file and a non-finalized version of the display method, and a rough skeleton of the edit method
Week 5 - Oct 01
This Week 5
To Do 5
- Release 0.1 (the Console class) is due Wednesday Oct 09 23:59
- Details of how to submit will be announced later
Blog Posts 5
- Andrew Daniele's Car blog
- the main.cpp code in this blog post will use your display method to drive a car around in the terminal
Resources 5
Week 6 - Oct 08
This Week 6
To Do 6
- Challenge
- do depth() copy constructor and reverse() for the stack in oct 08 lecture code: secB Oct08
- reverse() is supposed to make stack in reversed order (Dmitry Romanenko)
Resources 6
Week 7 - Oct 15
This Week 7
- Project review
- Templates
- Linked lists
To Do 7
Resources 7
Week 8 - Oct 22 (STUDY break)
This Week 8
To Do 8
Blog Posts 8
- Thana's Doubly Linked List - No Iter yet(Sec C)
- Thana's Blog
- DLL exercise (Xu Liu) _Sec C
- still have issues with iterator working with list(2013-10-21)
- after re-implementing, it seems work(2013-10-25)
- eric506 | Blog for OOP344
- Doubly Linked lists - Justin Chow
- Will not protect against crazy stuff you do in the main.
- Techno-Mega blog
- Doubly Linked List with Iterator (Luke Jingwei Sun@Section C)
- A simulation to the standard iterator and list.
- ParBlog
- My attempt at a Doubly Linked List ( Brad Clement - Section C )
- Brad's Blog
Resources 8
Week 9 - Oct 29
- Section AB:
- Initializing vs Setting/Assigning Objects
- Section C:
- Linked List Review
- Templates
This Week 9
- Test One
- Section A and B
- Section A, Nov 4th
- Section B, Nov 1st
- References Allowed: 2 bound packs of paper (i.e. text book and class notes) Single sheets not allowed.
- what is going to be on the test?
- everything from ipc144 to linked lists in oop344
- Section C:
To Do 9
Resources 9
Week 10 - Nov 5
This Week 10
- Section AB:
- Casting
- Linked List w/ Templates
- Section C:
- Templates Continued
- Template Specialization
- typename
- Enums
- Nested Classes
To Do 10
Section C Exercise: CYODT EX1
Section C Exercise: CYODT EX2
Resources 10
Week 11 - Nov 12
This Week 11
- Section AB:
- Bitwise Operators
- Exceptions
- Section C:
- Implicit Casting Operators
- std::string
- std::vector
- stl iterators
- stl algorithms
- Recursion
- Introduction to multiple inheritance
To Do 11
Resources 11
Week 12 - Nov 19
This Week 12
- Section ABC:
- Multiple Inheritance
- Memory Structures
- Diamond Inheritance
- Virtual Inheritance
- Template Inheritance(Section C)
- Section AB:
- fstream
- read/write files
- copying files
- binary vs text
- Section C:
To Do 12
Resources 12
Week 13 - Nov 26
This Week 13
- Section AB:
- Test 2:
- Test 2 solution on Github
- Friday Class is canceled!
- BigBlueButton help sessions will be on Saturday and Sunday, (Time will be announced Later)
- Section C:
- Exceptions (Cont)
- Exception classes
- Multiple Catches
- New Keywords
- Constrained Casting
- const_cast
- static_cast
- dynamic_cast
- reinterpret_cast
- Bit-Wise Operators
- and ( & )
- or ( | )
- xor ( ^ )
- negate ( ~ )
- left bit shift ( << )
- right bit shift ( >> )
- Binary File Access
- ios::binary
- Casting to and from byte arrays
To Do 13
Resources 13
Week 14 - Dec 3
This Week 14
To Do 14
Resources 14
Exam Week
- Wednesday Dec 11th, at 11:30
- OOP344AB, Room: S3031
- OOP344C, Room: S2148
- Reference sheets?
- 2 sets of bound notes (book + notes) allowed
- Should be set (stapled papers or whatever)