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Development and submission steps using SVN - OOP344 20121

Revision as of 19:09, 19 January 2012 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs) (Checkout team repository)

Checkout team repository

  1. create a directory on the local machine. Usually, you do this only once on each workstation that you use for development.
  2. checkout the repository into the directory that you have created
    using TortoiseSVN (or other GUI) right click on the directory and select SVN Checkout
    enter the URL of the team repository and click OK
    you should now have a copy of the whole repo on your workstation.
  3. check that the copy contains sub-directories named branches, tags, and trunk. If not
    create these sub-directories on your local machine
    add them to the repository (right click on their parent directory, select TortoiseSVN/Add, and click OK)
    commit them to the repo (right-click on their parent directory, select SVN Commit, add a note describing your change under log message, and click OK)

Create your own workspace

  1. create your own sub-directory under branches and name it using your seneca id
    add this sub-directory to the repository (right click on the sub-dir and select TortoiseSVN/add)
    commit your addition to the repo (right click on the sub-dir and select SVN Commit) this will save it on the server
    note that this sub-dir is referred as your workspace

Branch trunk for development

  1. branch the trunk into a sub-dir under your own workspace under branches
    Right-click on the trunk directory
    Choose TortoiseSVN and click on branch/tag...
    Click on the [...] button to the right of "To URL:"
    Click on the root directory, then on branches, then on your workspace, then press "OK"
    Edit the URL created by adding a slash and the name that you want to give to your new sub-directory (a.k.a create a new directory)
    The name of your new sub-directory should refer to your particular task (whatever you are going to work on)
    Type in a log message that describes what you are doing and press "OK"
  2. update your repository to get the branch on your local machine

Start coding and complete your task

  1. code
  2. compile
  3. test
  4. compile
  5. commit (commit changes back to repo on server)

Merge your work back to trunk

  1. make sure that you have committed your branch
  2. right click on trunk and select TortoiseSVN/merge
  3. select your branch
  4. merge by default settings and resolve possible conficts

Test and commit trunk

  1. recompile and test merged trunk
  2. update trunk status on wiki team page to commiting
    if the status is already commiting wait for it to be done
  3. commit trunk
  4. resolve possible problems
  5. commit again
  6. update trunk status on wiki team page to commited
