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Joined 10 January 2011
Revision as of 09:20, 6 April 2011 by Tpcheun1 (talk | contribs)

Sample 2 Project Phases

Phase 1: Investigation (DONE) Phase 2: design server side (DONE) Phase 3: Ask Grace for Ideas (DONE) Phase 4: implement server (Working on) Phase 5: test the server in command line Phase 6: test the server with JSON Phase 7: design client side Phase 8: implement client Phase 9: test in command line Phase 10: test in browser Phase 11: Deploy on NexJ Server Phase 12: code review - Apr 20

Estimated: 2 more weeks (Apr 4 - 20)

Week 1 - Jan 31

  • Learn tutorial "Working with NexJ Express Source Code" pdf

Week 2 - Feb 7

  • Learn "Introduction To NexJ Studio Express" pdf
  • Take some screen shots for the tutorials

Week 3 - Feb 14

  • Continuous learning "Introduction To NexJ Studio Express" pdf
  • A Visual Guide created and posted

Week 4 - Feb 21

  • Learn "NexJ Studio Fundamentals" pdf

Week 5 - Feb 28

  • Learn "NexJ Studio Fundamentals" pdf
  • Create How to Guide

Week 6 - Mar 7

  • Learn NexJ Scheme

Week 7 - Mar 14

  • Learn NexJ JSON Apapter
  • Use Grace's sample application to learn javascript

Week 8 - Mar 21

  • Learn GWT (Google Web Toolkit) and UI
  • Use GWT to create the UI part of Grace's sample application

Week 9 - Mar 28

  • Build the GWT Sample application 1
  • Research for GWT RPC

Week 10 - Apr 4


  • Build the GWT Sample application 2

Week 11 - Apr 11


  • Build the GWT Sample application 2

Week 12 - Apr 18


  • Build the GWT Sample application 3

Week 13 - Apr 25


  • Build the GWT Sample application 3