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Revision as of 12:01, 4 October 2006 by Andrew (talk | contribs)


APNG stands for Animated PNG, an extension to the PNG specification to allow for animated PNG images. Similar to how Animated GIF is an extension of GIF. Create such a thing.

Project Leader(s)

Andrew Smith (andrew on IRC)

Project Contributors

Tom Aratyn - spent a few hours with me trying to solve an inheritance problem.

Project Details

The project is broken up into several stages:

1. (complete) Create an extension to the PNG Specification. Stuart Parmenter and Vladimir Vukićević did this in around 2004.

2. (complete) Implement the APNG spec into libpng. This was done for libpng 1.2.10 during the summer of 2006. Patch available on the APNG implementation page.

3. (current, fall 2006) Implement the modified libpng into Mozilla.

4. Attempt to get the APNG patch integrated into libpng.

5. Fail.

6. Give up.

7. Try again.

Project News

- compiled mozilla on slackware

- installed vmware and windows

- installed cygwin

- compiled mozilla on windows

- compiled mozilla on a mac

- attempted to fix a bug in libpng 1.2.12 that caused mozilla on a mac to crash, someone beat me to it

- tried to move things from imgContainerGIF to imgContainer and share that code using inheritance, didn't work

- rather than moving things, copied them instead. will do the inheritance thing later after it works
