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Training meeting

Revision as of 14:39, 8 October 2010 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Purpose of Meeting

This meeting is for training purposes of learning how to use a Wiki.

Wikis can be used for "adhoc" meetings, where people can collaborate during short periods of time (eg. one Week), without having to communicate at the same time...


Description of "Meeting Rules"

participants must abide by the following rules:

  • You must participate in this conversation within the hour (a minimum of three times).
  • All comments must be proactive.
  • Meeting facilitator will referee the meeting and has final "say".
  • All conversations must be done in the discussion area.
  • Members must add this meeting to the watchlist in order to consistently check for member contribution.
  • For discussions, in bold print state your user name first, followed by colon, then text.
  • Facilitator will summarize at the end of the meeting.
  • After facilitator gives summary, all members "sign-off" to confirm they read and agree to facilitator's summary of meeting.
  • After "sign-off", then facilitator cuts discussion and pastes a new meeting link in the main page.

Meeting Members

  • Murray Saul (Facilitator)
  • Lynne Smith
  • Sandra Abuja

Meetings Held

  • [ October 8, 2010 ] (Meeting with Sandra, Lynne and Murray to demonstrate how to use a WIKI for meetings)