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Revision as of 21:01, 5 October 2006 by Moe (talk | contribs) (XBL Elements)

XBL Elements

The Bindings element contains many Binding elements.
Also can store contain script and stylesheet elements.
DTD decleration
<!ELEMENT bindings ( binding* ) > [ where * indicates zero or more of the binding element]
XML representation
<bindings ...><binding id="binding1"><binding><binding id="binding2"><binding></bindings>
The Binding element describes a single XBL binding.
The Binding element has the ability to add additional methods to an element.
The Binding element has the ability to add additional or modify the properties of an element.
<!ENTITY % binding-content "(content?,implementation?,handlers?)">
<!ELEMENT binding %binding-content;>
<!ATTLIST binding
   id                     ID             #REQUIRED
   extends                CDATA          #IMPLIED
   display                CDATA          #IMPLIED
   applyauthorstyles      false          #IMPLIED
   styleexplicitcontent   false          #IMPLIED