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OPS102 - File Globbing, Common Commands, Text Editors

Revision as of 05:47, 18 September 2023 by Chris Tyler (talk | contribs)

File Globbing / Ambiguous Filenames / Filename Patterns

Linux and Windows systems both allow ambiguous filenames, which use wildcard symbols to enable filename matching. The process of converting an ambiguous filename, or filename pattern, into a list of matchine filenames is called globbing or filename expansion.

On a Linux system, globbing is performed by the shell. This means that all arguments are subject to globbing, whether they're intended to be a filename argument or not.

On a Windows system, ambiguous filenames are converted into a list of filenames by the command or application. This means that arguments that are not filenames are not subject to filename expansion. However, it also means that applications must contain additional code to perform globbing.

Wildcard Symbols

Symbol Meaning in Linux Meaning in Windows
* Matches zero or more characters Matches zero or more characters
? Matches one character Matches one character, unless at the end of the filename or immediately before the dot preceeding the extension or at the end of the name
[list] Matches any one of the characters within the brackets Not applicable


Pattern Matches on Linux Does not match on Linux Matches on Windows Does not match on Windows
a* a aa aaa alpha argonaut Alpha banana a aa aaa alpha Alpha banana
b*e blue bite red green blot blue bite red green blot
c[oa]t cat cot coat cat cot coat (Not applicable)
d?e due doe duo Doe date due doe Doe duo date
a?? aaa abc aa abcd aaa abc aa abcd

Therefore the command

 del *.pdf

on Windows, or

 rm *pdf

on Linux will remove all files with the extension .pdf

Common Basic Commands

Here are some basic commands useful for managing the filesystem and performing basic tasks:

Linux Windows Description
ls dir Displays the contents of a directory -- by default, the current directory, or the directories specified as arguments (or a specific file, if specified).
echo echo Places a message on the screen (the message is given as positional arguments)
cal Displays a simple calendar
date date /t
time /t
Displays the date/time
who quser Displays information about the logged in user(s)
whoami whoami Displays the name of the current user
cls clear Clears the terminal display
tree tree Displays the filesystem hierarchy starting at the current directory (or the given directory, if an argument is provided).
mkdir mkdir Creates a directory/folder
rmdir rmdir Removes a directory/folder
rm del Removes/deletes one or more files. Specify -rf to recursively force delete a directory and its contents on Linux, or /s to recursively delete a directory and its contents on Windows.
cd cd Changes to the given directory, if one is given. If no directory is given, displays the current directory (Windows) or changes to your home directory (Linux). On Windows, a drive designator may be provided, in which case the current directory will be set on the indicated drive.
X: (Where X is a drive designator) Switches to the selected drive.
pwd Prints the current working directory.
cp copy Copy one or more files to a new name/location.
mv move Moves a file from one directory to another.
mv ren
Renames a file (on Linux, the filename and location are considered to be the same thing)
cat type Dumps the contents of a text file on the terminal (if there is a lot of text, the display will scroll; if the file is a non-text file, the results are undefined!)
more Displays a file one screen at a time. (Linux: the less command is a more powerful version of the more command, which allows things like scrolling backwards)
cut Selects specific columns from a text file
sort sort Sorts a text file
diff comp Shows the differences between (text) files
uniq Displays identical consequtive lines only once
tr Translates/replaces/deletes occurrences of characters
grep find Searches files for text
find Searches for files
touch copy NUL: filename Creates an empty file (Linux: if the file exists, touch will just update the date/time of modification).

To view information about a Linux command, use the online manual ("manpages"), accessed with the man command:

 man commandname

For example, to view the online manual page for cp, enter the command:

 man cp

On Windows, you can see a list of commonly used commands by typing


To get a brief help summary for a command, enter the name of the command followed by /? -- for example, to get a help summary for the copy command, type

 copy /?