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Scripting Compatibility for Current OPS235 labs: (Week-by-week)

Revision as of 12:07, 14 January 2015 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Purpose of this Resource:

To match compatibility of scripting elements for current OPS235 labs. Emphasis will be placed on practicality, creativity, and listing scripting items that can be used to match and compare towards existing scripting course OPS435 to provide information for CNS / CTY curriculum discussions. This resource will concentrate initially with short-term "fits" (i.e. no major structural changes to course from existing learning outcomes, topics and core skills.

Lab 1:

  1. Scripting for Lab1. Lab 1 could be modified to have students generate a report regarding the collection of Linux information after an install. Certainly command substitution could be taught and to reinforce redirection >> to add content to a filename (i.e. not over-ride). It would be interesting to expose students to the zenity command to allow a menu to give user choice of report elements to include in the generated report. Perhaps a link to a "fancy" Bash shell script to generate a web-page so students can view the contents in a nice format. This scripting element could easily be added to assignment #1.

Lab 2:

Lab 3:

Lab 4:

Lab 5:

Lab 6:

Lab 7:

Lab 8:

Assignment 1:

Assignment 2:


Additional Comments

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