BBB BUC Emp MngUsrSetting
Brief Description: This Use Case enables an employee to change his/her personal setting for the Integration site.
Scenario 1: Create new meeting
Preconditions: Includes anything that has been set up before starting the scenario. It must include what page the user is on before the scenario starts.
Actor | System | Data Used |
What the actors does. | What the system does in response. | The data fields retrieved, added, removed, by the system. |
Postconditions: The final results of the scenario running (ex. A record has been created, edited, etc.). It also includes the page that the user ends on.
Scenario 2: Edit meeting
Preconditions: Includes anything that has been set up before starting the scenario. It must include what page the user is on before the scenario starts.
Actor | System | Data Used |
What the actors does. | What the system does in response. | The data fields retrieved, added, removed, by the system. |
Postconditions: The final results of the scenario running (ex. A record has been created, edited, etc.). It also includes the page that the user ends on.