OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Project Marking Percentage
- due in November 9th (Friday)
Group work: 40% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 60% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo Github id: Seneca-OOP344 / XII-Sive
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | GITHUB ID | Blog URL |
Zhenyang | Chen | A | zchen91 | Zhenyang Chen | crans | crans | Leash |
Shuming | Lin | B | slin44 | Shuming Lin | kevin000 | kevin000 | intermerdiate C++ |
Xin | Li | A | xzli2 | Xin Zhu Li | XinZhu | xinzhu | OOP344 |
Junzhuo | Ren | B | jren22 | Junzhuo Ren | vincent9527 | renjunzhuo | Vincent's Blog |
Donghu | Zhang | A | dzhang50 | Dong | donghu | donghu | MaC |
Issues and Status
Attention:Comment of commit in GIT
- The commit's comment is about what you did in your code, such as "fixed errors"
- We should know what you did in your new commit!
- DO NOT use the word like "Please check!"
- Assigned to: Shuming Lin
- Code review by: XinZhu Li
- Status:
- (being developed)
- comments:
- Assigned to: Shuming Lin
- Code review by: XinZhu Li
- Status:
- (being developed)
- comments:
- Assigned to: Shuming Lin
- Code review by: XinZhu Li
- Status:
- (being developed)
- comments:
0.3 Milestone
- CField (issue 3.0) By Donghu Zhang, Reviewed by Shuming Lin
- CDialog (issue 3.1) By Donghu Zhang, Reviewed by Xinzhu Li
- CLabel (issue 3.2) By Shuming Lin and Renjun Zhuo, Reviewed by Xinzhu Li
- CLineEdit (issue 3.3) By Xinzhu Li, Reviewed by Donghu Zhang
0.4 Milestone
- CButton (issue 4.0) By Renjun Zhuo, Reviewed by Donghu Zhang
- CValEdit (issue 4.1) By Shuming Lin, Review by Xinzhu Li
- CCheckMark (issue 4.2) By Donghu Zhang, Review by Renjun Zhuo
- CButton, CValEdit, and CCheckMark final review (issue 4.3), Reviewed by Xinzhu LI
0.6 Milestone
- CText (issue 6.0) By Xinzhu Li
- Review CText (issue 6.1) By Junzhuo Ren
- CheckList (issue 6.2) By Donghu Zhang
- Review CheckList (issue 6.3) By Shuming Lin
Coding Rules
Please implement the following rules in all code that is a part of any project that this team(Sive) will undertake. And please feel free to add/modify the contents; however, you must make a note of changes in the summary so others will know.
Indentation and spacing
- Tabs and indentation of code will be 2 spaces
- Leave a blank line in between functions and blocks of code
- Brackets will be in the following format
MyFunction(){ // code }
Naming convention and Structure
- All Names must be meaningful(loop counters are excluded), the key is readability
- Pascal case for functions/methods eg. GetData();
- Camel case for variable names eg myData; my_Data; weeklySalary;
- Constants must be in all CAPS eg. PI
- One variable declaration per line.
int i; // outer for loop counter int j = 0; // inner for loop counter double area; // holds the area of a square
- Pointer declaration
int* myData; // pointer to data of type int, that holds the number students on record char* studentName; // pointer to data of type char, that holds the student name.
- All variables MUST have a comment at declaration to indicate what they are, NON negotiable.
- All Functions/methods comments MUST include the parameters it accepts and the return value it returns.
- Comment blocks of code and whenever it is helpful for other programmers/NON-programmers to understand the code.
- Use // for line commenting and /* */ for continuous multi-line commenting
Commits and Merging of code
- Under no circumstance will anyone directly push to master.
- All code must be reviewed by another programmer before it can be merged to development or master branch.
- Commits must have a comment to indicate what the changes are for.
- latest will be on top
- ......