Fedora ARM Meeting 2012 July 11
- Issues:
- The repo configuration includes the rpfr repo, but not the F17 repos. Andrew, I think this is the -release package -- it should install and enable the F17 repo control file as well as the rpfr one. Agreene- Done, Subject to testing
- Our naming is still inconsistent -- we have "raspi" "rasp-pi", and "raspberrypi" in various places. agreene - Done, subject to review
- /etc/issue is being renamed to /etc/issue.rpmsave during the compose. agreene - Subject to testing
** The image is 4096 MB (=4GB) but many "4GB" SD cards are smaller. The image should be changed to 4000MB. Frojoe - Done
- Firstboot isn't firing up, so there is no user account/resize option/etc etc. Please dig into this and see if you can get it running. Frojoe and Fossjon
** We should compose with the kernel in that directory (i.e., that kernel should be in our repo). Agreene - Done
- Pulseaudio should be installed. X servers that we don't care about (e.g., for Intel/Nvidia/AMD-ATI cards) should not. What else can we pull out? Frojoe
- The package set (commands and applications) needs additional refinement. TBD (Consult with Ctyler)
- Packages
- WiringPi
*** https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/ Agreene - Done
- bcm2835 library
*** http://www.open.com.au/mikem/bcm2835/ Frojoe - Done, Subject to review
** Perl module for above
*** http://search.cpan.org/~mikem/Device-BCM2835-1.0/lib/Device/BCM2835.pm Frojoe - Done
** Pi3D
- https://github.com/tipam/pi3d Fossjon
- (Check the Source0 line in the raspberrypi-vc SRPM for info on how to use github as the upstream source)
- Miscellaneous
- PR Stuff (Mailing list, IRC) Frojoe
- OpenGL Rasberry Splash Screen Fossjon - In Progress
- Image testing Fosjon, Agreene, Frojoe