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GAM670/DPS905 Weekly Schedule 20121

Revision as of 09:02, 11 January 2012 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs) (To Do)

GAM670/DPS905 -- Weekly Schedule 20121

Week 1 - Jan 8

This Week

  • Assignment Discussion
  • Suggested Enhancements
  • Relative Reference Frames
    • Recursive calls
      Vector Frame::position()
      Matrix Frame::rotation()
      Matrix Frame::world()
    • Detaching from and attaching to a parent frame
  • Visibility Determination
    • Plane
      normal + constant - examples
      equation of a plane: dot(n, x) + D = 0
      positive side of a plane dot(n, x) + D > 0

To Do

  1. add your name to the student list
  2. create a team page that includes the semester number 20121
    • describe the game that you intend to develop
    • list the topics of interest to your team in developing its game
    • list the other topics of interest
