GAM666/DPS901 Weekly Schedule 20113
Revision as of 20:52, 27 September 2011 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs)
GAM666/DPS901 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Weekly Schedule 20113
Week 1 - Sep 4
This Week
- Windows Programming
- Dialog Sample
- Selection Sample
- Component Design
To Do
- Download Visual Studio 2010 from ACS and install it on your local computer.
- Download Tortoise SVN and install it on your local computer.
- Download the Dialog and Selection Samples from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- Run Dialog Sample
- Run Selection Sample
Week 2 - Sep 11
This Week
- COM and DirectX
- Display Modes
- The fwk4gps framework, its branches, and architecture
- Singleton class as an alternative to global variables
- Including interfaces rather than class definitions to minimize header file dependencies
- Use the Direct3D COM object to interrogate the hardware for the installed options
To Do
- Download and install DirectX SDK June 2010
- Download the Dialog Modes Sample from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- DirectX Developer Centre at Microsoft
Week 3 - Sep 18
This Week
- Event Iteration
- Messaging, the main application window, and event iteration
- Housekeeping during loss and restoration of focus
- Housekeeping during re-configuration
- Use the Direct3DDevice9 COM object to access the display device
- Background Image
- Sprites
- Textures
- Color Model
- Use the Direct3DSprite COM object to manage the drawing of 2D images
- Use the Direct3DTexture9 COM object to hold an image on video memory
To Do
- Download the Event Iteration and Background Image Samples from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- MSDN Library at Microsoft
Week 4 - Sep 25
This Week
- Shades of Red application
- for you to complete - use lecture notes to fill in the details
- reviews the DirectX material covered to date
- Sprites in Motion
- timing
- upper limit on drawing rate
- model coordination
- coordinator-primitive pattern
- direct-device connectivity
- portal-primitive pattern
- timing
- Sprites under User Control
- user action key mapping
- keypress latency
- user action key mapping
- Projects
- Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects (demo in class)
To Do
- Lecture Material
- Download the Sprites in Motion and Sprites under User Control Samples from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- Workshop
- Download the ShadesOfRed Sample from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- Complete the coding for this Sample
- Download the ShadesOfRed Sample from the Course Repository. (userid: "dpsgam" password: blank [no password])
- Project
- If you don't have an account on this wiki, Create an account. Make sure that your userid is your seneca email id
- Add your name and information to GAM666/DPS901Student List 20113
- Form Teams, identify team members (4-5 members) and add your team and its members to GAM666/DPS901 Teams 20113 Before Thursday 29th.
- Lecture Material
- DirectX documentation as installed on your local computer
- MSDN Library
- Project
- Wiki
Week 5 - Oct 2
This Week
- Heads Up Display
- Use the Direct3DFont COM object to draw the font for a text item on the HUD
- 2D Mathematics
- Coordinate System
- Vectors
- Trigonometry
- Matrix Transformations
- Projects
To Do
- Add a background image to the ShadesOfRed sample
- Add a sprite in motion to the ShadesOfRed sample
- Add a second moving sprite to the Sprite in Motion sample
- Add text to identify the motion of the second sprite on the HUD
- Submit your game proposal and schedule an appointment with your instructor (click here to book an appointment)
- Lecture Material
- DirectX documentation as installed on your local computer
- MSDN Library
- Projects