Mjschranz project wiki
OSD600 Project Wiki - Developing for Popcorn.js
Popcorn Lighthouse Ticket Tracker
0.1 Milestone Release
Tickets Working On:
#350: Tumblr Plugin
#733: Typo in Facebook Plugin
#734: DRY-out Facebook Plugin Code
Status Updates
- 9/28/2011 #734: Oh interesting times with merge conflicts to style issues to you forgot this/that. Hopefully this is all done today and then I'll be able to write up a blog about it for tomorrows 0.1 release with both tickets being done and staged!
- 9/24/2011 #733 Status: Staged and Completed. Test also written to test the error being thrown when Facebook Blocks were empty. Code Changes
- 9/17/2011 #350 Status: Incomplete. Still working on understanding all this new Javascript before I can write an implementation with some of the basic features.