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Revision as of 14:23, 19 September 2011 by Mary-lynn.manton (talk | contribs)

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for FSOSS/Linuxfest 2011! The success of this event depends on faculty and student volunteers like you. As a thank you, your registration fee will be waived (you can attend FSOSS for free), and you will receive a volunteer FSOSS shirt as well as the SWAG that attendees receive. Take a moment to read the various volunteer jobs available and if you are interested in volunteering, please edit this page as follows:

  1. Pick ONE of the volunteer job and add your name to the list under each job description
  2. Make sure you include email contact info
  3. Signup only for jobs that are open

If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Leung.

The following describes the jobs that we will require volunteers to do. It will specify the date, the time, location, how long it will take, and the maximum number of people we will need for each job. Most volunteer work will be done during the week of the event but some jobs have to be done before hand. If you see something that you are able/interested in helping with, please sign up by adding your name to this page by editing this wiki. NOTE: New jobs will be posted continuously so please check back again. If you need more info on a job or need more info about editing this wiki, please contact cathy at: Catherine Leung. Please note that you are being asked to sign up for a minimum of three shifts to be eligible to receive the attendee SWAG bag.

Setup/Registration Desk- Thursday Morning

  • Date(s): Oct. 27
  • Time: 7:30am to 11:00am
  • Duration: 3.5 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Setup the registration area. Post signage. Staff the registration tables. Give out bags/badges. Handle sign up for workshops.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Registration Desk- Thursday Afternoon

  • Date(s): Oct. 27
  • Time: 11:30am to 3:00pm
  • Duration: 3.5 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 2
  • Description: Staff the registration tables. Give out bags/badges. Handle sign up for workshops.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Set Up/Registration Desk - Friday Morning

  • Date(s): Oct. 28
  • Time: 7am to 12:00noon
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 8
  • Description: Set up registration area. Post signage throughout campus. Staff the registration tables. Give out bags/badges. Escort speakers to rooms.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Set Up/Registration Desk - Friday Afternoon

  • Time: 12:00noon to 5:00pm
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 8
  • Description: Set up registration area. Post signage throughout campus. Staff the registration tables. Give out bags/badges. Escort speakers to rooms.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Registration Desk - Saturday

  • Time: 9am to 3pm (see description)
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 12
  • Description: Volunteers will be present to work at the registration area through out the day. Each volunteer will be required to be there for only 2 hour.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Clean Up Crew - Thursday/Friday/Saturday

  • Date(s): Oct. 27/28/29
  • Time: 5:00pm
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: 3 hours, 1 hour each day (Thursday is expected to be lighter than Friday and Saturday)
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 2
  • Description: Help put signs/tables/etc. back into office

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Stand By Helpers - Friday

  • Date(s): Oct. 28
  • Time: starting at 9am check in at registration desk every 2 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: N/A
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Be available to help out for things that come up unexpectedly. You may not need to do anything at all but you may be asked to do things that come up unexpectedly at the last minute. If you volunteer for this, you will need to check in with someone every 2 hours.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Stand By Helpers - Saturday

  • Date(s): Oct. 29
  • Time: starting at 9am check in at registration desk every 2 hours
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: N/A
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Be available to help out for things that come up unexpectedly. You may not need to do anything at all but you may be asked to do things that come up unexpectedly at the last minute. If you volunteer for this, you will need to check in with someone every 2 hours.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)


  • Date(s): Oct. 28 and Oct. 29
  • Time: Ongoing
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: N/A
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Snap Pictures of attendees and get them posted to a flickr feed as the event is happening. You will need to provide your own camera and laptop to do this job.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Bag Stuffing/Badge Making

  • Date(s): Monday Oct. 24
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 8
  • Description: Put together bags for attendees. Each person who goes to the conference gets a bag with schedule and other literatures and a badge. Volunteers for this job will put the bags and badges together.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Registration Signup - Thursday Morning

  • Date(s): Oct. 28
  • Time: 7:00am to 9:30am
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Staff the registration tables.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Registration Signup-Afternoon Both Days

  • Date(s): Oct. 28 and Oct. 29
  • Time: 11:45am to 1:15pm
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 3
  • Description: Staff the registration tables.

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)

Video Recording

  • Date(s): Early FSOSS week for training (Monday or Tuesday, exact date TBA). Friday Oct. 29
  • Time: 8am Friday
  • Location: On campus
  • Duration: All day
  • Max. Volunteer needed: 6
  • Description:

This job involves operating the video equipment to record the speaker sessions throughout the day. Volunteers are expected to attend the entire session they are recording NOTE: this job requires a significant amount of commitment. Volunteers for this job will also receive an invitation to the FSOSS Speaker's dinner

Signup here (open)

  • Name (email)
