Use Hashholder instead of HashSet
Use HashHolder in the XMLJSONMessagePartLoader instead of HashSet and whenever appropriate replace HashSet with HashHolder
Change 0x000 for byte
For root modes, change 0xXXX to a cast to byte. Also do not use leading zeroes.
Remove StringParsre from JSONMessagePartMapping
Either remove StringParser from the mapping, or use it in formatting primitives. Do not leave it in if it is not used.
Create class called RootJSONMessagePartMapping
Create a class called RootJSONMessagePartMapping for each CompositeMessagePart. This root JSON mapping will handle the "mode" for each CompositeMessagePart.
Allow root modes for each CompositeMessagePart
Rename root mode to mode, so that each CompositeMessagePart can use every type of mode.
Rename m_sFormat
Rename the variable m_sFormat if not used (or use it and keep the name).
Remove/Use InvocationContextAware
Do not implement the invocation context aware interface if not used by the class. Or, use the interface for formatting of primitives.
Name methods XXXPart, not XXXNode
Rename methods to be XXXPart, for example as writeCompositeMessagePart, instead of writeCompositeMessageNode.
Wrap fail
Wrap all instances of fail with IntegrationException.
Override JSONParse
Override parse method of JSONParser in the JSONMessageParser class. Do this to avoid changing JSONParser.
Use primitive formatter when reading.
When reading information in from a stream in the formatter, use primitive formatter to determine the correct format of a primitive.