JSON Integration Adapter

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Revision as of 13:03, 16 June 2011 by Brianlim (talk | contribs) (Current Status)
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Project Repository


Project Goal

To create an adapter for the NexJ Core similar in methodology and design of existing message adapters (XML, Fixed, CSV etc.) but using the JSON format


Current Status

Currently at Phase II and beginning Phase III.

Project Phases

JSON Integration Adapter Phases

Phase I. Research

  1. Complete Fundamentals of NexJ Studio tutorial
  2. Complete NexJ Integration tutorial
  3. Install NexJ Studio Express from source

Phase II. Planning and Approval

  1. Receive general approval for project
  2. Receive approval for JSON encoding options
  3. Receive approval for JSON formatting options

Phase III. Message Formatter

  1. Add JSON to .XSD base types
  2. Create sample JSON .message
  3. Parse sample JSON .message with JUnit Test
  4. Create first set of unit tests for Message Formatter
  5. Code Message Formatter first draft
  6. Resolve issues with first set of unit tests
  7. Create second set of unit tests
  8. Resolve issues with second set of unit tests
  9. Refactor and code message formatter

Phase IV. Message Parser

  1. Discover how to connect JSON RPC parser with Message Parser
  2. Create first set of trivial unit tests for Message Parser
  3. Code Message Parser skeleton
  4. Pass first set of trivial unit tests
  5. Create second set of unit tests (non-trivial) for Message Parser
  6. Code Message Formatter first draft
  7. Resolve issues with second set of unit tests
  8. Refactor

Phase V. Integration and Stress Tests

  1. Test Message Formatter and Message Parser with integration and stress tests
  2. Test through NexJ Studio Express GUI (manual testing)

Phase VI. Internal Code Review

  1. Internally review code at CDOT

Phase VII. Optimization

  1. Find more code optimizations relevant to Enterprise environments

Phase VIII. First Code Review at NexJ

  1. Date TBA

Phase IX. Code Rewrite

  1. Rewrite code to conform with NexJ suggestions and standards

Phase X. Second Code Review at NexJ

  1. Date TBA

Phase XI. Project Completion

Project Repository

BitBucket : https://bitbucket.org/b_lim/nexj-express-json-integration-adapter/


NexJ Developer's Guide
NexJ Integration Fundamentals