FSOSS 2011/Meetings/2011-05-12

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Revision as of 21:00, 12 May 2011 by Chris Tyler (talk | contribs) (Fri Oct 28)
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Proposed Schedule

Thu Oct 27

  • Workshops
  • Food
    • Morning snack (workshop hallway)
    • Afternoon snack (workshop hallway)
    • (Speaker's dinner)

Fri Oct 28

  • Presentations
  • Keynote
  • Reception
  • Exhibits
  • Food
    • Morning snack (break room)
    • Lunch
    • Afternoon snack (break room)
    • Reception

Sat Oct 29

  • Presentations
  • Unconference/barcamp
  • Exhibits
  • Food
    • Morning snack (break room)
    • Lunch
    • Afternoon snack (break room)

Event Name

  • Long form:
10th Free Software and Open Source Symposium
and Toronto LinuxFest 2011
  • Short form:
FSOSS/LinuxFest 2011


  • See sponsorship document from previous years (foundation for this year)
  • Exhibit option
    • 6' table (or equivalent space)
    • 5A 120V power
    • 2 chairs

Community Groups

  • $75
  • Includes 2 passes
  • Half-table in the community literature hall

Sponsorship Levels

  • See sponsorship spreadsheet

Presentation and Workshop Proposals

  • Update CFP wording
  • Friday - Technical Focus
    • 4 tracks x 6 slots
  • Saturday - User Focus
    • 4 tracks x ? slots


Open to any and all topics related to open source!

This year, we particularly welcome talks on open source :

  • Cloud & Virtualization
  • Mobile
  • Open Source Business Models and Commercialization
  • Open Hardware
  • Green IT

Talks can be targeted at any audience level from neophyte to expert.

First round of submissions closes June 30.

Keynote Possibilities

  • Linus Torvalds (Linux) ***
  • Mark Surman (Mozilla) (CT)
  • Mark Shuttleworth (Canonical) (CT)
  • Shawn Powers (Linux Journal) (DA)
  • Andrew Morton (Linux) (CT)
  • Larry Wall (Perl) ***
  • Eben Moglen (SFLC) ***
  • Michael Geist (UofO) (CT)
  • Michael Shaver (Mozilla) (CT)
  • Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media) (CT)
  • Evan Prodromou (identi.ca) ***
  • Jim Whitehurst (Red Hat) (CT)
  • Alan Cox (Intel) (CT)
  • Jon "Maddog" Hall (Linux International) (CT)

Action Points

  • Sponsorship package update and distribution to team: chairs
  • Distribute package to contacts: team
  • Tracking: Tim & Sam
  • Sponsorship management: Tim
  • Logo update: Chris
  • CFP: John