GAM670/DPS905 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
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GAM670/DPS905 -- Game Programming Techniques/3D
- This course introduces three-dimensional, real-time, event-driven, multi-media, game programming. The course covers windows programming at the operating system level, low-level programming of hardware through the DirectX APIs and design implementation at the model-level.
- The course is supported by an open instructional software framework with a set of accompanying web pages. The framework consists of components that are introduced sequentially throughout the course. The components are independent of one another and the web pages describe the upgrades at each stage.
- Students refactor select components of the framework to produce a game of their own.
Subject Description and Course Outcomes
External Links
The Project
The course project is a three-stage, team assignment to build a game using the framework from the introductory course. Each team consists of up to 3 members. Membership is subject to instructor approval and is open to modification until the end of the week of the drop date for the course. The first stage of the assignment proposes the features that your team will add to the framework and identifies which member will work on which feature. Each member is responsible for a distinct feature. Each team meets with the instructor to review the proposal and obtain approval. The second stage is a release of the framework that includes the feature. The third and final stage presents your own team's completed game to the class, which includes your features along with several features incorporated by other teams. Details are on the Project Requirements page.
- Assignment 50%
- Individual Work - 50% to 75% inclusive
- Group Work - 25% to 50% inclusive
- Total (Individual + Group) - 100%
- Test 20%
- Exam 30%
Final Submission Requirements
When ready to submit your project:
- Finalize your modifications in trunk.
- Create a directory in trunk called: "SubmissionLogs"
- For each member of the team create a text file named as "YourSenecaEmailId.txt" in SubmissionLogs directory. In this text file, in a point form format, specify in detail, all the tasks you have done for the project.
- Branch (copy) the whole project including the SubmissionLogs directory and its text files into tags directory under "prj1.0".
- If final adjustments are needed after these steps, then repeat everything from step one but branch the trunk into a new directory in tags as prj1.1, prj1.2, etc.
- (when marking, the last revision is considered as your submission)
- How To edit Wiki pages
- How To edit Wiki Cheatsheet
- Subversion (SVN)
- Download Page of TortoiseSVN
- TortoiseSVN Documentation
- SVN book at or downloadthe PDF from here.
- IRC Tutorial
- AnkhSVN - Free Visual Studio SVN Integration Alternative To VisualSVN