SceneCreator Dev Links:
SceneCreator Features:
- display 3d object, walls, and lights in a 2d scene
- create wall
- insert lights
- new scene(delete all)
- walls and lights can be selected
- delete selected
- move selected
- add item to scene from the side bar
- item selection (clicking an item highs it blue and is set as the selected item) *wall are not selectable
- once an item is selected a user can (using the button above the scene):
- delete
- rotate
- move up/down
- scale
- copy
- move to position of the mouse
- camera widget
- 5 independent cameras
Google Warehouse:
- view the Google 3D Warehouse website inside the browser
- back and forward functionality
- Left click = select
- Right click = none
- Scroll Wheel = zoom in/out or move camera up/down
- W/UP arrow = move camera forward
- A/Left arrow = move camera left
- S/Down arrow move camera backward
- D/Right arrow = move camera right
- Q = toggle rotate camera to mouse
- E = toggle scroll wheel controlling camera height or zoom
- Delete = delete selected object
- hold Shift and press P = Screen Shot