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User:Asalga/summer 2010 worklog july

< User:Asalga
Revision as of 16:26, 27 July 2010 by Asalga (talk | contribs)

Monday July 12

  • Mozilla meeting

Tuesday July 13

  • Added C3DL tickets
  • Created XBPS tickets
  • pushed XBPS 0.3
  • updated browsers on iMac
  • Created speed parse test for XBPS
  • SceneCastor Meeting
  • wrote to Khronos mailing list about transpose in uniformMatrix and POINT_SMOOTH

Wednesday July 14

  • Added XBPS tickets
  • Fixed toPNG in XBPS
  • Fixed 3D ref tests (fixed readPixels)
  • Added C3DL ticket (modularize DAE parsing)

After hours

  • Wrote readPixels() blog
  • registered
  • started brainstorming XBPS streaming ideas

Thursday July 15

  • Helped Matt with C3DL performance
  • Research on antialiasing for Pjs hint ticket
  • Filed WebGL antialiasing bug
  • Installed P5 1.2

After hours

  • Created Processing.js wiki page
  • Update P5 wiki page
  • Created C3DL wiki page
  • Updated WebGL wiki page (added c3dl link and xb pointStream)

Friday July 16

  • Updated processing.js diff page
  • Put up hint for review
  • Helped matt with boundingsphere/frustum culling

Saturday July 17 / Sunday July 18

  • Wrote doesmybrowsersupportwebgl blog

Monday July 19

  • Fixed strange conflicts in git, re-pushed hint
  • Helped Matt with BS/frustum culling
  • worked on streaming for XBPS

Tuesday July 20

Wednesday July 21

  • started fixing xbps streaming bug

Thursday July 22

  • Fixed pjs web ide

Friday July 23

Monday July 26

  • Worked on depth problem for xbps
  • Setup up smaller iMac for testing pointstream

Tuesday July 27

  • Found out older version of xbps works (no depth/clipping problems)
  • Fixed clipping/depth
  • Talked to Matt about bounding sphere issue

Wednesday July 28