SRA840 Lab7
1. give and remove user rights
1.1 Give privileges:
mysql> grant all on wordpress.* to wordpress@localhost identified by 'password';
1.2 Remove privileges:
mysql> flush privileges;
2. create a table
mysql> create table table_name (name char(20));
3. insert a few records into the table you created
mysql> insert into table_name values('milton');
4. select some of the records in the table you created
mysql> select name from table_name;
5. change some of the records into the table you created
mysql> update table_name set name='johndoe' where name='milton';
6. delete records from the table you created
mysql> delete from table_name where name='johndoe';
7. How will you read records from in a plain text file into MySQL. Give an example.
Copy records to a plain text file:
mysql> select * into outfile '/tmp/database.txt' fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' from table_name;
Import records from a plain text file:
mysql> load data infile '/tmp/database.txt' into table table_name fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n';
8. What are the exact sequence of steps that you need to take so that Apache logs can be read in from MySQL. Assume you have a default installation of Apache and a default installation of MySQL.
8.1 Create a database 8.2 Create a table with the fields I will need 8.3 Split the apache log file to a temporary file then mysql can recognize this file 8.4 Import this plain text file into the database
9. Name two security measures that MySQL recommmends
- Encrypt the passwords
- Add an password for the default system users like root and mysql.
10. Which MySQL log file, in your opinion, is important for you to keep track of and why?