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Currently, it is very difficult to figure out how much time is being spent in each part of the build system. Very high level tasks are timed, like checkout, build, test, but individual steps aren't being timed. For DPS911, this project will aim to create a local buildbot environment, patch buildbot to insert granular timestamps into logs, design a database for timing information and write a log parser to insert data into the database. During Summer 2009 a system to display trending information will be completed as well as historical view for buildbot.
Project Plan
This project will be broken into many distinct parts. The first seven parts of the system will be completed as releases for DPS911 and the remainder will be completed during the summer of 2009.
1 - Setup Local Buildbot
This step will be to set up a build bot at CDOT. This system will serve a dual purpose of having a local Buildbot system for use in CDOT as well as allowing me to test changes to buildbot. The primary purpose for this Buildbot setup is to test changes. If having a local stable buildbot is found to be useful, one can be set up. Initially, this local Buildbot will have a single CentOS Slave, though, as time goes on more slaves will be added.
I plan to put the buildbot master on Australia and use either KVM based Virtual Machines or bare metal machines.
2 - Make a (successful) change to BuildBot
This step involves making a change to buildbot which doesn't horribly break the system. By this release I would like to have at least one Windows and one OS X machine as slaves to ensure that nothing is broken for the individual build systems. This step will serve as a learning tool for my next step and make me familiar with the BuildBot codebase
3 - Patch BuildBot to add timestamps
I will write a patch for BuildBot that inserts timestamps into build logs to allow for more