GPU621/Debugging OpenMP
Group Members
// TODO: Create a tutorial on how to debug parallel programs using OpenMP in Visual Studio
// remember to add pictures if possible
// Steps
1. Read the Microsoft Documentation for your section
2. Paraphrase the contents of your section onto the Wiki
3. Test it yourself in Visual Studio and add examples
// Uploading Files
To upload a file, go to
To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:
File:File.jpg to use the full version of the file
Media:File.ogg for directly linking to the file without displaying the file
Process and Thread
// TODO: Explain what processes are in OpenMP (short)
// TODO: Explain what threads are in OpenMP (short)
Multiple Processes
// TODO: Explain why and how to run multiple processes in one or more projects in VS (long)
// use this:
User Interface
// TODO: Show the window and explain what it does for every single window below (medium)
// documentation for windows are here:
Attach to Process Dialog Box
Process Window
Thread Window
Source Window
Debug Location Window
Parallel Stacks Window
Parallel Tasks Window
Parallel Watch Window
// TODO: Step-by-step walkthrough on how to debug program with the specific window
// use same program for both tests
// can probably just take something from course notes and modify it to fit our parameters
Case A: Using the Thread Window
// TODO: walkthrough on using thread window to debug (medium)
Case B: Using the Parallel Stacks Window
// TODO: walkthrough on using parallel stacks window to debug (long)