Tutorial 11 - SED & AWK

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Main Objectives of this Practice Tutorial

  • Use the sed command to manipulate text contained in a file.
  • List and explain several addresses and instructions associated with the sed command.
  • Use the sed command as a filter with Linux pipeline commands.
  • Use the awk command to manipulate text contained in a file.
  • List and explain comparison operators, variables and actions associated with the awk command.
  • Use the awk command as a filter with Linux pipeline commands.

Tutorial Reference Material

Course Notes
Linux Command/Shortcut Reference
Course Notes:

Text Manipulation Commands


Using the sed Utility


Syntax: sed [-n] 'address instruction' filename

How it Works:

  • The sed command reads all lines in the input file and will be exposed to the expression
    (i.e. area contained within quotes) one line at a time.
  • The expression can be within single quotes or double quotes.
  • The expression contains an address (match condition) and an instruction (operation).
  • If the line matches the address, then it will perform the instruction.
  • Lines will display be default unless the –n option is used to suppress default display


  • Can use a line number, to select a specific line (for example: 5)
  • Can specify a range of line numbers (for example: 5,7)
  • Regular expressions are contained within forward slashes (e.g. /regular-expression/)
  • Can specify a regular expression to select all lines that match a pattern (e.g /^[0-9].*[0-9]$/)
  • If NO address is present, the instruction will apply to ALL lines



  • Action to take for matched line(s)
  • Refer to table on right-side for list of some
    common instructions and their purpose

Using the awk Utility


awk [-F] 'selection-criteria {action}’ file-name

How It Works:

  • The awk command reads all lines in the input file and will be exposed to the expression (contained within quotes) for processing.
  • The expression (contained in quotes) represents selection criteria, and action to execute contained within braces {}
  • if selection criteria is matched, then action (between braces) is executed.
  • The –F option can be used to specify the default field delimiter (separator) character
    eg. awk –F”;” (would indicate a semi-colon delimited input file).

Selection Criteria

  • You can use a regular expression, enclosed within slashes, as a pattern. For example: /pattern/
  • The ~ operator tests whether a field or variable matches a regular expression. For example: $1 ~ /^[0-9]/
  • The !~ operator tests for no match. For example: $2 !~ /line/
  • You can perform both numeric and string comparisons using relational operators ( > , >= , < , <= , == , != ).
  • You can combine any of the patterns using the Boolean operators || (OR) and && (AND).
  • You can use built-in variables (like NR or "record number" representing line number) with comparison operators.
    For example: NR >=1 && NR <= 5

Action (execution):

  • Action to be executed is contained within braces {}
  • The print command can be used to display text (fields).
  • You can use parameters which represent fields within records (lines) within the expression of the awk utility.
  • The parameter $0 represents all of the fields contained in the record (line).
  • The parameters $1, $2, $3$9 represent the first, second and third to the 9th fields contained within the record.
  • Parameters greater than nine requires the value of the parameter to be placed within braces (for example: ${10},${11},${12}, etc.)
  • You can use built-in variables (such as NR or "record number" representing line number)
    eg. {print NR,$0} (will print record number, then entire record).