Planet CDOT Feed List

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Revision as of 09:56, 5 September 2007 by David.humphrey (talk | contribs)
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Seneca students and faculty working on open source related projects and research use the opensource@seneca planet to aggregate their blogs. This page contains the information about who is blogging in Planet Feed Reader format.

Feed Info Format

You can add your blog's RSS feed below by specifying the following:

  1. The URL to your blog's 'open source' RSS Feed (i.e., a category or tag). NOTE: please do not put the URL to your blog, or the feed for your entire blog. We only want open source related content.
  2. Your name as you want it to appear in the list of names for the planet
  3. Optionally, a URL to a picture of yourself (i.e., headshot). Your picture should be an 80x80 PNG

Here is an example:

name=Chris Tyler


name=Chris Tyler

name=David Humphrey