The Real A Team
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Determining Author By Style Of Writing
A Team Members
- Adrian Sauvageot, All
- ...
I decided to create a new program to test a theory I was told.
I was told by a professor that she believed that by taking a look at how a paper was written, she could tell if it was written by the same author. Further, she believed that a computer could tell if two pieces of text were written by the same author by looking at how it was written.
I decided to create a program that would analyze two pieces of text to try and determine if the same person wrote both pieces.
I decided to look at:
- average words/sentence
- average word length
- average sentences/paragraph
- average commas/sentence
- average colons/paragraph.
I then use this information to calculate how different two pieces are from each other. If they are within what I determined to be a 5% different writing style, I suggest the two pieces were written by the same person, otherwise I suggest they were written by two separate people.
To test this I ran the program on work by Shakespeare, One of my friends, and myself.
The program successfully was able to determine which author wrote each piece of text.