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GAM531/DPS931Student List 20157

Revision as of 20:10, 19 September 2015 by David Au (talk | contribs) (Student List)

Game Engine Foundations

GAM531/DPS931 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources

Please add your information to the student list below!

Student List

Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GAM531/DPS931).

|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [ ID]

Replace the following with your own information:

  • WN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
  • GN: Your Group name
  • SB: Your Subject (example: GAM531 or DPS931)
  • ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
  • BB: Your bitbucket account

GAM531/DPS931 - Student List
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id Bit Bucket
Joseph Hughes Team Name GAM531 LSS_CloudScorpion
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS931 chris.szalwinski cszalwinski David Au Team Quaffle GAM531 dwau dwatiger
Barbara de Graaf Team Void GAM531 bdegraaf barbaradegraaf
John Iannandrea Team Void GAM531 jmiannandrea jmiannandrea
Kieran Sedgwick Team Void GAM531 ksedgwick sedge
Mohamed Baig Engine Knights DPS931 mbbaig mbbaig
Norbert Curiciac Engine Knights DPS931 ncuriciac ncuriciac
Vasil Rimar Engine Knights DPS931 vrimar [1]
Kevin Paiva Team Watermelon GAM531 kmpaiva coldkillerlips
Jacob Crystal Team Watermelon GAM531 jacob.crystal Essnce
Joel Aro Yggdrasil GAM531 jaro joelaro
Justin Arroyal Yggdrasil GAM531 jarroyal jarroyal
Jayson Quijano Yggdrasil GAM531 jquijano jaysonquijano
Pedro Bellesa Vector Lightning DPS931 bspedropaulo pbellesa
David Novodchuk Vector Lightning DPS931 dnovodchuk davidnovodchuk
Oleg Eustace Emperor Reborn Beta DPS931 oeustace eustaceo
Thana Annis Team Name GAM531 tannis Bwaffles
Kirill Lepetinskiy Team Watermelon GAM531 klepetinskiy Protoster
Ferenc Botos Team TBD GAM531 flbotos frankbotos
Kwun Ho Team Quaffle GAM531 akho5 kh-andy
Gaurav Patel Team Name GAM531 gkpatel2 gkpatel2
Alina Shtramwasser TBD GAM531 alina alina
Anson Tang GAM531 atang26 atang26
Maxim Khlobystov TBD GAM531 mkhlobystov1 gthacoder
Francis Chau TBD GAM531 ftchau1 franman
Eric Da Costa TBD GAM531 ejdacosta Horfenico
Manjot Sandhu Emperor Reborn Beta DPS931 mssandhu12 manjotsandhu
Colin Campbell TBD GAM531 cjcampbell2 colinc899
Chidi Okongwu TBD GAM531 cokongwu onemic
Matthew Grosvenor TBD GAM531 mgrosvenor gabbo05