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WonderCode 20123 - OOP344

Revision as of 22:53, 5 November 2012 by Hye Young Choi (talk | contribs) (0.2 Milestone (Due Fri 9th))

WonderCode (Team 2)

Project Marking Percentage

  • due immediately

Group work:      40%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: 60% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


Team Members

First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id Github ID wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Guiwen Chen B gchen42 Github:guiwen Guiwen Chen chgw Guiwen's Blog
Linpei Fan B lfan9 Github:lilyfan Linpei Fan Lilyaj Learning Path to Software Development
Hye Young (Rody) Choi B hychoi6 Github:rodychoi Hye Young Choi RodyChoi Happy Life
Diao Qiang He A dqhe1 Github:diaoqianghe Diao Qiang He Antares Diao Qiang He's Blog
Jie Ming (Jay) Feng B jmfeng1 Github:jayfeng Jie Ming Feng jayfeng Blue Jay C++

Issues and Status

0.2 Milestone (Due Fri 9th)

  1. Add console class to project and test with cio_test (issue 1) (by Linpei Fan and reviewed by whom)
  2. Create Mock-up classes
    Create the class files (header and cpp) with blank methods and make sure they compile
    1. CField Mock-up Class (issue 2.1) (by Guiwen Chen and reviewed by Rody)
    2. CLabel Mock-up Class (issue 2.2) (by Linpei Fan and reviewed by whom)
    3. CDialog Mock-up Class (issue 2.3) (by Rody Choi and reviewed by whom)
    4. CLineEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.4) (by DiaoQuian He and reviewed by whom)
    5. CButton Mock-up Class (issue 2.5) (by JieMing Feng and reviewed by whom)
    6. CValEdit Mock-up Class (issue 2.6) (by Guiwen Chen and reviewed by whom)
    7. CCheckMark Mock-up Class (issue 2.7)(by DiaoQuian He and reviewed by whom)
    8. CText
      1. Add Text Class to the project (issue 2.8.1) (by Rody Choi and reviewed by whom)
      2. CText Mock-up Class (issue 2.8.2) (by JieMing Feng and reviewed by whom)
    9. CCheckList Mock-up Class (issue 2.9) (by whom and reviewed by whom)

0.X Milestone

  • Assigned to: FULLNAME
  • Code review by: FULLNAME
  • Status:
    (being developed/pull request/being reviewed/pushed to master)
  • comments:

Coding Rules

  • Data members in any classes start with underscore(_);
  • Use meaningfully variable name;
  • Comment properly;
  • Use 4 spaces for each indentation;
  • Define each variable in a new line;
  • Keep functions simple and clear;



  • Does anyone know where methods _frame->draw() or draw() in void CFrame::refresh() comes from? I cannot find it in Bconsole or Console. In CFrame, there is a draw(int) method. But I am not sure if it calls draw(int). --> Hey Lily, if you click F12 on the draw() text, you can see the function's definition,(maybe you already know that) so I think _frame->draw() comes from CFrame::draw(). If you have other opinion, let me know. ^^