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Fedora ARM Meeting 2012 June 06

Revision as of 11:11, 11 June 2012 by Maxamaxim (talk | contribs)
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Status Updates


  • Build farm has been fairly stable
  • Backups running, occassional for the rsync to rerun (happens automatically)
  • Oscar and Felix not in build farm yet
    • Kernel not ready
    • Power wiring requires HongKong reboot
  • Scotland - Out of Memory issues
    • Investigating / logging


  • (Killed by LSOs!)
  • Working on various projects with team mates


  • Waterbear in review
  • Logrotate on Scotland doing compressed 4-month apache log rotation
  • Setting up Koji


  • Back from Linaro Connect (see update)
  • Catching up!


  • Max: create/edit wiki page for builders
  • Chris: get AXP patch
  • Chris: (re)review packages

Linaro Connect Report

  • Lots of new stuff coming


  • Ras Pi F17
    • Test - EOW
      1. Fastest Boot
      2. Low Memory boot
      3. Faster GUI
    • GA - Next Week