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Joined 10 September 2010
Revision as of 22:37, 15 December 2010 by Tyler.lee (talk | contribs)

Hello everyone, My name is Tae Hee (or Tyler) Lee and I'm a sixth semester CTY student.

I am currently (September 2010) enrolled in SBR600, OPS535, INT620 and WIN500.

My learn email, Seneca freenode IRC and FAS2 id is thlee3.

This semester, I am working on SBR600 project To thumb or not to thumb?

I collaborated with Mark Eamiguel. We made arrangements so that I used cdot-beagleXM-0-3 during the day time, and he used during the night to avoid interruption on our benchmarks. There was one night our works on that machine became useless since both of us were compiling at the same time which caused performance drop. We also gave each other tips on working with these remote systems, such as using application screen and command who.

I like collaborating and conversing so if you see me, feel free to say hi.