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Joined 27 May 2010
Revision as of 16:38, 10 September 2010 by Rainulf (talk | contribs) (Biography)
Jose Rainulf Pineda
Hey, it's me!
Occupation CPAC student
IRC _Rainulf (/join #rainulf)
Home Page/Blog
Seneca jrpineda (at) learn seneca
Gmail (preferred) rainulf1 (at)

Jose Rainulf Pineda is a Seneca College School of Computer Studies Student. He does Web development (xHTML, PHP+mySQL, Javascript) on his free time.

Current courses

OOP344 - Object Oriented Programming II Using C++ , (Introduction to Open Source)

Further information: OOP344

DBS301 - Database Design II and SQL using Oracle

Further information: DBS301

INT322 - Internet II - Web Programming on UNIX

Further information: INT322

SYS366 - Requirements Gathering using OO Models

Further information: SYS366

CPP100 - CO-OP Professional Theory

Further information: CPP100

Personal Projects

The following are personal projects of mine that I do on my free time, all are web-based applications (xHTML, PHP+mySQL) and they are all hosted at Google Code.

So why are most, if not all, of my personal projects are web-based? Because they're fun. I find it very enjoyable to see people lurk on my server. I feel good whenever they surf through the webapp I've developed. I feel proud whenever someone use the script I've coded for their websites (and let people crawl around it).

PHP is mostly used with mySQL because PHP has a lot built-in functions for mySQL - they work together well as if they're couples. What both does is pretty simple - input, process and output data into the database (SQL) simultaneously. But with enough knowledge of PHP+mySQL and a few xHTML and/or javascript, anyone can build sophisticated PHP scripts such as blog (WordPress, Blogger, etc), CMS (PHP-Nuke, Drupal, Joomla, etc), discussion boards (IPB, phpBB, vBulletin, Vanila, etc), clone Facebook, YouTube, etc or something even better than all of them combined.


My very first PHP script; it is pretty much experimental - a very simple input/output PHP script where it stores and grabs data from the mySQL database.
I no longer maintain this because I found something else better to develop. But if you are interested, see the following:

The script started off as procedural. I slowly made a transition to object, but it was never released because it's incomplete. The script is open source and its source code is available for everyone.

Custom CMS for

I borrowed the object design of phpMyInput and improved upon it (added/removed methods and member variables) to build a CMS/blog for my main website.
The script is strictly object oriented, every functions are encapsulated to the class 'Rainulf'. Please see the following for more info:

Besides PHP and mySQL, the script also make use of CSS for its simple greeny design and a little javascript for its slogan on top. There is no administration panel yet, I run SQL queries to insert a post. lol
The script is also open source and its source code is available for everyone.

Twitter app

This is perhaps the most advanced PHP script I've coded so far. The script is closed source because it was a paid project. As its name may suggest, it's a web (PHP) application for Twitter.

What the script should do is connect to and authenticate the user.
The script should have the ability to remotely control user's Twitter account - such as posting, deleting posts, viewing friends list, following and unfollowing people, etc.

The script do more than just that, if you want more info about it or you're interested, please contact me.

All in all, that's all the personal projects I've had. They may not be much but I've certainly enjoyed every hour of it at developing each of these.
I plan to develop more web applications at different platforms and languages such as Python, Ruby on Rails and more in the future.

External links