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XB PointStream

Revision as of 12:07, 26 June 2010 by Asalga (talk | contribs)

A cross-browser JavaScript tool which will emulate Arius3D's PointStream viewer. It will be able to quickly render a large amount of point cloud data to the <canvas> tag using WebGL.


XB PointStream Dev Links
3D Gallery

Development Resources
GPU Gems
GPU Gems 2

WebGL Specification
WebGL Cheat Sheet
OpenGLES 2.0 man pages

Occlusion Culling Algorithms

Performance Issue Ideas

  • Spatially partition point cloud into Bounding volume hierarchy and do bounding volume frustum culling
  • Do static rendering
  • Render low LOD when rotating point cloud
  • Push as much as we can to CPU and GPU
  • Use GL_ARB_occlusion_query to cull points which do not contribute to the scene (render BB of octant and count contributing fragments). This can be used for culling 'backface points'
  • Use progressive "mesh" optimization to render objects if they are far from the camera
  • Allow user to control LOD
  • Stream point cloud, dynamically create and merge bounding volumes
  • Pre-create Bounding volume hierarchy