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OOo Fedora Build

Revision as of 12:48, 31 January 2009 by Minicheong (talk | contribs) (Configuring The Source) Fedora Build

CDOT Computer Status - Who is working where
Student Name CDOT Computer Name Operation Status
Bartosz (irc:BartB) Australia <Fill in this> Distcc: Done
Fardad (irc:fardad) Hong Kong <Fill in this> Distcc: Done
Fardad (irc:fardad) Ireland <Fill in this> Distcc: Done
Daeseon Moon (irc:daeseon) Germany Building OOo Distcc: Done
Ladan Zahiroleslam(irc:l_zahir) China preparing prebuild environment Distcc: Done
Tiago (IRC: Kamots) India Building OOo Regular Build: in progress
Frankie (IRC: Mini_Cheong) Liberia Build Success!!
Started: Jan 30 - 9:41pm
Ended: Jan 31 - 1:53am
Distcc: Done

Getting the Source


svn co

to checkout the source. Make sure you are using http instead of svn, if you are checking the source out in Seneca.

Setting C and C++ compilers

Configuring The Source

Configuring error is different for every machine.
Here is some errors and fixes for it.

Issues Solutions
no cups/cups.h yum install cups-devel
no JDK installed yum install java-1.7.0-icedtea-devel.x86_64
no gperf yum install gperf.x86_64
no Ant yum install ant.x86_64

Setting Environment Variables

