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Joined 28 September 2007
Revision as of 17:29, 14 September 2008 by AaronMT (talk | contribs) (Mozilla Project)



Hello, my name is Aaron Train. I am a recent graduate of Computer Programming and Analysis. As of the previous winter (08), I have transferred into the BSD program to earn a degree. Currently, I am enrolled in a whole slew of different courses ranging from the 3rd to the 7th semester. I find open source fascinating, particularly Mozilla's projects as well as Canonical's Ubuntu GNU/Linux project. I look forward to tinkering with the innards of Firefox, in DPS909. I also enjoy learning more about software development, open source and current/future web applications, and lastly modern programming languages.

  • Name: Aaron Train
  • Program: Bachelor of Software Design
  • Hometown: Thornhill, Ontario


  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
  • E-Mail
    • Seneca E-Mail:
    • Personal E-Mail:


DPS909A - Fall 2008

Project for DPS909

Deliverance for DPS909

Contributions for DPS909

Bugs for DPS909


Mozilla Building

In preparation for DPS909 - Lab #2 (Week 3) I will outline my intended computer/OS that I will be documenting my process through the lab on ...

Ubuntu GNU/Linux - Mozilla Build (Minefield 3.1b1pre)

The process involved in building Mozilla Firefox (Minefield 3.1b1pre) on Ubuntu GNU/Linux involved many steps (all of which are new to me entirely):

  • Hardware
    • 2048MB Ram and 15GB left on this Linux partition
  • Preparation
    • Make sure Ubuntu is up to date
      sudo apt-get install update
    • Linux Build Prerequisites
      • A recent POSIX Shell
      • A C++ compiler.
      • Perl 5.6 or higher. Older perl versions may work if you upgrade File::Spec to version 0.8
      • GNU make 3.79.1 or higher. Other varieties of "make" will not work.
      • CVS 1.11 or higher
      • the GTK2 widget toolkit
      • libXt-devel for X11/Intrinsic.h, X11/Shell.h
      • libIDL 0.6.3
      • zip 2.3
      • freetype 2.1.0
      • fontconfig
      • pkg-config 0.9.0

Most if not all packages were installed with the following command

apt-get build-dep firefox
sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev curl
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
Obtaining the Mozilla-Central Source & Installing/Configuring Mercurial

The next step, should you choose to install Firefox 3.01+ is to grab Mercurial and set it up properly.

  • sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential 
  • sudo easy_install -U mercurial
Configuration (Highly Suggested)
  • It is highly suggested that you follow these configuration instructions here
Fetching the latest trunk build of Firefox
  • hg clone ~/Desktop/src
Building on Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Configure and build as usual using a .mozconfig file and make -f

  • My ~/.mozconfig
# My first mozilla config
. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
ac_add_options --disable-optimize
ac_add_options --enable-debug
ac_add_options --disable-static --enable-shared
  • Building!
cd ~/Desktop/src/
make -f build
  • Running Firefox
cd ~/Desktop/src/obj-i686-pc-linux-gnu/dist/bin/
  • Total Build Time: ~ 45 minutes


Mozilla Ubiquity

Ubiquity Commands - Work in Progress

Display IP address
  • Displays users IP address immediately

by AaronMT

Usage: ip

Utilizes the whatismyip website to parse the IP and display it right in the console

name: "ip",
  homepage: "",
  author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: ""},
  description: "Displays your internal IP address.",
  help: "Just type IP",
  icon: "",
  preview: function(pblock) {
    var url = "";
    jQuery.get( url, function(data) {
       pblock.innerHTML = data;
  execute: function() {
    var url = "";
Search MedicineNet
  • Searches MedicineNet with a given keyword

by AaronMT

Usage: health keyword phrase

	name: "health",
	homepage: "",
	author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: "" },
	description: "Takes keyword phrase and searches MedicineNet",
	help: "health <i>keyword phrase</i>",
	icon: "",
	takes: {"Enter a noun": noun_arb_text},
	preview: function(pblock, keywordPhrase)
		pblock.innerHTML = "Search the MedicineNet by entering any phrase <b>" + keywordPhrase.text + "</b>"

	execute: function(keywordPhrase)
		var searchURL = "" + keywordPhrase.text;
  • Transfers selected text to a new pastebin>

Usage: pb

name: "pb",
  homepage: "",
  author: { name: "Aaron Train", email: ""},
  description: "Transfers selected text to a new Pastebin.",
  help: "Selected text will be sent to a new Pastebin",
  icon: "",
  preview: function(pblock) {
    var text=context.focusedWindow.document.getSelection();
    var url = "";
  execute: function() {
    var url = "";
    var text=context.focusedWindow.document.getSelection();



[1] Bugs I have reported


[2] Bugs I have reported

External Projects

I am deeply passionate with the Ubuntu project. Having first used it in its infancy and being involved with the community, collaborating with the community to better the product has been a hobby and passion of mine for the past few years. I have been contributing to many tutorials and solutions in the community, such as: