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OPS235 Lab 3 - Fedora17

181 bytes added, 11:17, 25 January 2012
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[[Image:Ops235_lab4_1.png|thumb|right|Screenshot of system-config-lvm in Fedora. Click to enlarge.]]
# Let's learn to manage or administer our LVM graphically for our Virtual Machine ('''Fedora2''').<br />Fedora provides a tool called <code>system-config-lvm</code> to graphically administer LVM. It will appear on the menu as System>Administration>Logical Volume Management. Verify that this package is present, and install it if required (<code>yum install system-config-lvm</code>).
# Use this tool to determine the current LVM configuration by clicking on the appropriate element and reading the properties in the right-hand panel -- write down the answers:
<li value=2">Use this tool to determine the current LVM configuration by clicking on the appropriate element and reading the properties in the right-hand panel -- write down the answers: <ol> <li type="a"> What are the names and sizes of the PVs?</li> <li>What is the name and size of the VG?</li> <li>What are the names and sizes of the LVs?</li> <li>Is there any space in the VG which is not allocated to a LV?</li> </ol> </li> <li>Increase the size of the home filesystem to 2 GB: <ol> <li type="a">Click on the LV containing the home filesystem.</li> <li>Click on ''Edit Properties''.</li> <li>Change the size to 2 GB and click ''Ok''.</li> </ol> <li>Create a new 2G LV (LV Properties: linear) containing an ext4 filesystem named lv_archive and mount it at /archive <ol> <li type="a">Click on ''Logical View''.</li> <li>Click the ''Create New Logical Volume''.</li> <li>Set the name, size, filesystem, and mount point.</li> <li>Click ''Ok''.</li> </ol> <li>Backup <code>/etc</code> into <code>/archive</code></li>
#* What is the name and size of the VG?
#* What are the names and sizes of the LVs?
#* Is there any space in the VG which is not allocated to a LV?
# Increase the size of the home filesystem to 2 GB:
## Click on the LV containing the home filesystem.
## Click on ''Edit Properties''.
## Change the size to 2 GB and click ''Ok''.
# Create a new 2G LV (LV Properties: linear) containing an ext4 filesystem named lv_archive and mount it at /archive
## Click on ''Logical View''.
## Click the ''Create New Logical Volume''.
## Set the name, size, filesystem, and mount point.
## Click ''Ok''.
# Backup <code>/etc</code> into <code>/archive</code>
#* Copy the files in /etc into the filesystem mounted at <code>/archive</code> (use the graphical tools or the command line. If using cp, remember to use the -R option).
# Shrink the size of <code>lv_archive</code> to 1 GB.