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GAM670/DPS905 Weekly Schedule 20121

21 bytes removed, 22:21, 19 January 2012
GAM670/DPS905 -- Weekly Schedule 20121
*** Modelling Layer
*** API Translation Layer
** Notable Features of the Base Code
** camera, sound, and light are also derived from the Frame class
** textures attach at the object level
** texture connection is uncoupled from drawing of the graphics primitives
** reference frames are relative
** very simple collision detection
* Relative Reference Frames
** Recursive calls
** Detaching from and attaching to a parent frame
**: Frame::attachTo()
* Visibility Determination
** Plane
**: normal + constant - examples
**: equation of a plane: dot(n, x) + D = 0
**: positive side of a plane dot(n, x) + D > 0
**: test a point for presence within a set of planes
**: normal calculations - general rotation matrix - vector and angle
** camera, sound, and light attachments now made at the Frame class
** textures still attach at the object level
** texture connection uncoupled from drawing
** time tracking now within HUD class completely
** introduction of relative reference frames
** very simple collision detection
** ViewingFrustum
**: parameters
**:: near-clipping plane
**:: far-clipping plane
**:: field of view angle
**:: aspect ratio
**: 6 planes
**:: near and far planes
**:: left and right planes
**:: top and bottom planes
**: coding
**:: constructor
**:: ViewingFrustum::contains()
* Finite Size of Objects
*: Expansion of the Viewing Frustum
*: Bounded Volume
*:: BoundedVolume : Frame
*:: BoundedVolume::setRadius()
*:: BoundedVolume::getRadius()
=== To Do ===
=== Resources ===
== Week 2 - Jan 16 ==
=== This Week ===
* Geometry
** Plane
**: normal + constant - examples
**: equation of a plane: dot(n, x) + D = 0
**: positive side of a plane dot(n, x) + D > 0
* Collision Detection
*: types of colliders
*:: quaternions
*:: geometric algebra (more abstract)
* Billboards
*: definition, purpose of a billboard
*:: DrawSubset
*:: FVF settings
* Visibility Determination
**: test a point for presence within a set of planes
**: normal calculations - general rotation matrix - vector and angle
** ViewingFrustum
**: parameters
**:: near-clipping plane
**:: far-clipping plane
**:: field of view angle
**:: aspect ratio
**: 6 planes
**:: near and far planes
**:: left and right planes
**:: top and bottom planes
**: coding
**:: constructor
**:: ViewingFrustum::contains()
* Finite Size of Objects
*: Expansion of the Viewing Frustum
*: Shape
*:: Shape : Frame
*:: Shape::setRadius()
*:: Shapee::getRadius()
=== To Do ===