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User:Chris Tyler/OPS235 Updates

12 bytes added, 00:52, 4 January 2012
no edit summary
* Discuss:
** Bind mounts (ugly mount table)
'''msaul: ''' Which lab would SysVInit -> Systemd affect?
== ext4 ==
:*Use ext4 as the standard filesystem. Add some discussion of btrfs.
== Interface Names ==
:*Interfaces are now named according to BIOS/EFI device labels. This is important for server-class systems which are rackmounted. In the past, "eth0", "eth1", "eth2" were hard to line up with back-panel connectors; now, if the BIOS/EFI says that the ports are labelled "network-A", "network-B", and "network-C", that's what the interface names are. If there are no names in the BIOS/EFI, embedded ports come up as emX and PCI ports come up as pXpN (PCI slot X port N).
== Loopback Mount Option ==
:*No longer required -- loopback is assumed if the mount source is not a block device.
== netstat ==