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Volunteer Demo

2 bytes added, 14:40, 12 April 2011
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'''The purpose of this wiki is to show a more holistic interpretation to volunteering in terms of people's needs and contraints.'''
In addition to this diagram, '''each person could indicate their short-term and long-term goals and needs for volunteering'''. This will create a database or resource to help analyse and match-up work, etc. By being transparent, these resources would provide a clear, current, and relevant measurement of volunteer contribution (for load-sharing).
In my opinion, the church can't thrive without this type of resource to allow the congregation full access to "bust myths", misconceptions or wrong assumptions. I believe that, '''instead of delicately tip-toeing around the subject, the facts should be laid-out for everyone to see'''. A "reality-check" of a stewardship campaign so to speak <br />(or "tough love" if I may be too bold!).