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Team Guardian Physics

34 bytes added, 00:22, 6 April 2011
RBDynamics Functions Reference
; Void ApplyImpulse(const Vector& impulse, const Vector& pointOfApplication) : Applies a given impulse instantaneously onto this object at a given world point of application. Can be used to shoot or prod objects.
== Other Topics Reference==
=== Inertia Tensor===
The inertia tensor is a Matrix representation of the distribution of mass within an object. This property is important in that it determines how objects rotate in reaction to given impulses. Provided are two methods to create them:
1) # Use the quick inertia tensor calculators (getBoxInertiaTensor, getSphereInertiaTensor, #include “MathDefinitions.h”)# Create a sequence of PointMass objects and calculate the inertia tensor on them by using getInertiaTensor (const PointMass* points, size_t n). If possible, please use method 1 as method 2 has been returning somewhat exaggerated results.
2) Create a sequence of PointMass objects and calculate the inertia tensor on them by using getInertiaTensor (const PointMass* points, size_t n). If possible, please use method 1 as method 2 has been returning somewhat exaggerated results. === Impulse===
A force that is applied to an object over a very small time period. Practically, this force is applied instantaneously in the case of this engine.
=== Collision Geometry===
The collision representation of an object. Typically in the form of boxes or spheres but may be other shapes. Currently implemented shapes are spheres and boxes, future additions include planes (possibly although use appears limited since no graphical representation of infinite plane) and compound objects.
=== Collision Space===
A geometric space that contains a set of collision geometries. It is responsible for weeding out impossible collisions and generally controls the number of maximum collision calculations in a frame. Currently, the “simple” collision space is implemented ((N^2)/2 collisions) but the octree collision space is being currently implemented and should alleviate the number of objects bottleneck currently plaguing the system.
=== Matrix Inverse===
Has a similar effect to the traditional division operation when multiplied by a float or vector (ie it acts as the divisor). This explanation is not rigorous in any way shape or form J:)