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Mozilla-Seneca Projects QA

936 bytes added, 01:33, 27 September 2006
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* How do you test Firefox by using Unit Testing currently? ([[User:Paul|Paul]])
* What features should be considered when integrating D-Bus into Firefox? Some ideas were to notify Firefox of the network connectivity status or hot-swappable changes. Can you overwhelm us with some more that you would like to see?
* How does Firefox currently communicate with the Linux system and applications? Specifically, what technologies are currently used in Firefox (ex. DCOP, CORBA) to do this communication in the Linux environment, and is there a framework that Mozilla has created that these and emerging technologies (D-Bus) should use?
* "The D-Bus API isn't finished yet, and the design is by no means set in stone." When D-Bus 1.0 is offically deployed will Firefox require D-Bus as a dependency in future releases?
* How do you expect D-Bus effecting the current technologies used for interoperability considering there is a port for Windows ([ winDBus])?
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