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User:John64/Hacky Scrtipts

2,279 bytes added, 13:21, 19 October 2008
no edit summary
Here are my hacky scripts. They aren't great they may not even be useful to you.
==Create JBossAS tarball==
This script checks out JBoss from the subversion. It is broken right now, as it doesn't copy the tarball back to the initial pwd.
# Check out JBoss sources from their subversion server.
# This script creates a temporary directory, checks the
# code out then tars it and moves the tarball to where
# the script was invoked.
# Store where the result should end up
# This is the version tag for releases
# This is the version to use for the folder and archive
# name
# This is the command to make the temporary directory
TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
## Check out source
svn export${SVNVERSION} --quiet
tar jcf jboss-${PLAINVERSION}.tar.bz2 jboss-${PLAINVERSION}
cp jboss-${PLAINVERSION}.tar.bz2 ${TARGETDIR}
rm -rf ${TEMPDIR}
== Dependency Generation ==
This perl script reads the output of "find .m2/repository-name "*.jar" through standard input and formats it into a general HTML table. It is not complete and it is not accurate. This was used as a first pass so i didn't have to write the table from scratch
use strict;
use warnings;
print "<html>\n<body>\n<table>\n";
print " <thead>\n";
print " <td>Provider</td>\n";
print " <td>Package</td>\n";
print " <td>Version</td>\n";
print " <td>Source</td>\n";
print " <td>In Fedora</td>\n";
print " </thead>\n";
while( <STDIN> ) {
#do something with $_
if(not $_ =~ m/-sources.jar$/){
$_ =~ /^[.](.*[\/])(.*?)-(.*?)[.]jar$/;
if(defined($1) && defined($2) && defined($3)){
my $provider = $1;
my $package = $2;
my $version = $3;
$provider =~ s/^\///;
$provider =~ s/\/$//;
#$provider =~ s/\/[\w\_\-.]\/[\w\_\-.]$/*/;
$provider =~ s/[\/]/\./g;
$provider =~ s/^\.//;
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td>$provider</td>\n";
print " <td>$package</td>\n";
print " <td>$version</td>\n";
print " <td>???</td>\n";
print " <td>???</td>\n";
print " </tr>\n\n"
} else {
print "*Check this line: $_";
print "</table>\n</body>\n</html>";