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OPS345 Lab 1

613 bytes added, 19:18, 14 September 2021
AWS cost monitoring
= AWS cost monitoring =
* Students You are responsible for their your AWS usage. Normally using resources from AWS costs money. In an AWS Educate Learner Lab you get a 100$ credit which will be more than enough to cover all your resources until the end of the course.** Take this opportunity during the course to learn what costs how much money, including paying for and make sure you don't use up your 100$ until you are done all your work in the course. The skills of managing cloud costs are very valuable.** Both in the Learner Lab and the real AWS figuring out what the money was spent on is surprisingly difficult after it's already spent. So pay attention whenever you see a note about the cost of anything.* No * You cannot use AWS alerts on Budgets in your AWS educate accountLearning Lab.* For those not using AWS educate: * You could try to figure out how to use the Amazon CloudWatch billing alarms
* Always keep cost in the back of your mind when doing /anything/ on AWS