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Fall 2007 Weekly Schedule

1,533 bytes added, 20:54, 14 October 2007
added week 7
** Make sure your project wiki page is up to date and matches your 0.1 release goals.
** Start looking for opportunities to help other projects as part of your contrib mark. Each student should have a list of ways you can get involved on their project wiki page.
== Week 7 (Oct 15) – Extending the Browser ==
* 0.1 release due this week
* FSOSS assignment ([[DPS909 FSOSS 2007|DPS909]], [[OSD600 FSOSS 2007|OSD600]]
* [ Firefox Extensions]
** [ Setting-up your development environment]
** [ 'Hello World!' Extension Tutorial]
* Lab - [[Dive into Mozilla Modifying Firefox using an Extension Lab|Modifying the Browser Part II - writing an extension]]
* '''Readings/Resources'''
* '''TODO'''
** Complete the [[Dive into Mozilla Modifying Firefox using an Extension Lab|lab]] and '''post the .xpi''' to your personal wiki page.
** Blog about your experience writing your first extension. What was hard? What did you find confusing?
** Complete your 0.1 release and write a '''blog post''' about what you've created, how to use it, and where to give feedback
** Make sure you are ready for [ FSOSS] (e.g., registered, read the assignment)
* '''NOTE'''
** Thursday's class will be special, as we will have a guest speaker (Mark Finkle) flying here to talk to you about Firefox Extensions. Please have your [[Dive into Mozilla Modifying Firefox using an Extension Lab|lab]] completed before Thursday so you can ask questions and understand what he's talking about. Those of you working on extension related projects should also take the opportunity to ask more questions.