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The parallelizing Express

7,813 bytes added, 18:38, 21 February 2017
0.00 1.01 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 void std::_Destroy<int*>(int*, int*)
0.00 1.01 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 void std::_Destroy<int*, int>(int*, int*, std::allocator<int>&)
Call graph (explanation follows)
granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) for 0.99% of 1.01 seconds
index % time self children called name
[1] 98.0 0.12 0.87 main [1]
0.23 0.42 6771110/6771110 operator*(cv::Mat const&, Color3d&) [2]
0.09 0.00 45556407/187749717 Color3d::operator()(int) [3]
0.05 0.00 14413379/14413379 Color3d::operator=(Color3d const&) [5]
0.04 0.00 13156175/13156175 Color3d& cv::Mat::at<Color3d>(int, int) [6]
0.02 0.00 7543200/7543200 double& cv::Mat::at<double>(int, int) [7]
0.01 0.00 2128357/2128357 Color3d::operator*(Color3d const&) [8]
0.01 0.00 4256710/4256710 Color3d::operator+(Color3d const&) [11]
0.00 0.00 4/4 Color3d::divide(double) [17]
0.00 0.00 2/2 Color3d::operator-(Color3d const&) [18]
0.00 0.00 1/13156184 Color3d::Color3d() [10]
0.00 0.00 8/14 cv::Mat::~Mat() [26]
0.00 0.00 6/6 cv::_OutputArray::_OutputArray(cv::Mat&) [32]
0.00 0.00 6/6 cv::_OutputArray::~_OutputArray() [33]
0.00 0.00 5/5 cv::String::String(char const*) [37]
0.00 0.00 5/5 cv::String::~String() [38]
0.00 0.00 5/5 cv::_InputArray::_InputArray(cv::Mat const&) [36]
0.00 0.00 5/11 cv::_InputArray::~_InputArray() [27]
0.00 0.00 4/4 cv::Mat::Mat(int, int, int) [40]
0.00 0.00 4/4 Color3d::Color3d(double, double, double) [41]
0.00 0.00 2/2 cv::Mat::empty() const [44]
0.00 0.00 2/2 cv::MatExpr::operator cv::Mat() const [46]
0.00 0.00 2/2 cv::MatExpr::~MatExpr() [43]
0.00 0.00 1/1 std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >::vector() [84]
0.00 0.00 1/1 std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >::~vector() [85]
0.23 0.42 6771110/6771110 main [1]
[2] 64.4 0.23 0.42 6771110 operator*(cv::Mat const&, Color3d&) [2]
0.28 0.00 142193310/187749717 Color3d::operator()(int) [3]
0.14 0.00 60939990/60939990 double const& cv::Mat::at<double>(int, int) const [4]
0.01 0.00 6771110/13156184 Color3d::Color3d() [10]
0.09 0.00 45556407/187749717 main [1]
0.28 0.00 142193310/187749717 operator*(cv::Mat const&, Color3d&) [2]
[3] 36.6 0.37 0.00 187749717 Color3d::operator()(int) [3]
0.14 0.00 60939990/60939990 operator*(cv::Mat const&, Color3d&) [2]
[4] 13.4 0.14 0.00 60939990 double const& cv::Mat::at<double>(int, int) const [4]
0.05 0.00 14413379/14413379 main [1]
[5] 5.0 0.05 0.00 14413379 Color3d::operator=(Color3d const&) [5]
0.04 0.00 13156175/13156175 main [1]
[6] 4.0 0.04 0.00 13156175 Color3d& cv::Mat::at<Color3d>(int, int) [6]
0.02 0.00 7543200/7543200 main [1]
[7] 2.0 0.02 0.00 7543200 double& cv::Mat::at<double>(int, int) [7]
0.01 0.00 2128357/2128357 main [1]
[8] 1.2 0.01 0.00 2128357 Color3d::operator*(Color3d const&) [8]
0.00 0.00 2128357/13156184 Color3d::Color3d() [10]
[9] 1.0 0.01 0.00 frame_dummy [9]
0.00 0.00 1/13156184 main [1]
0.00 0.00 2/13156184 Color3d::operator-(Color3d const&) [18]
0.00 0.00 4/13156184 Color3d::divide(double) [17]
0.00 0.00 2128357/13156184 Color3d::operator*(Color3d const&) [8]
0.00 0.00 4256710/13156184 Color3d::operator+(Color3d const&) [11]
0.01 0.00 6771110/13156184 operator*(cv::Mat const&, Color3d&) [2]
[10] 1.0 0.01 0.00 13156184 Color3d::Color3d() [10]
0.01 0.00 4256710/4256710 main [1]
[11] 0.8 0.01 0.00 4256710 Color3d::operator+(Color3d const&) [11]
0.00 0.00 4256710/13156184 Color3d::Color3d() [10]
0.00 0.01 1/1 __libc_csu_init [16]
[12] 0.5 0.00 0.01 1 _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZmlRKN2cv3MatER7Color3d [12]
0.00 0.01 1/1 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [13]
0.00 0.01 1/1 _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZmlRKN2cv3MatER7Color3d [12]
[13] 0.5 0.00 0.01 1 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [13]
0.01 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::big_any_policy<cvflann::anyimpl::empty_any>::big_any_policy() [14]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::small_any_policy<char const*>::small_any_policy() [50]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::small_any_policy<int>::small_any_policy() [53]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::small_any_policy<float>::small_any_policy() [52]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::small_any_policy<bool>::small_any_policy() [51]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::big_any_policy<cvflann::flann_algorithm_t>::big_any_policy() [48]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::big_any_policy<cvflann::flann_centers_init_t>::big_any_policy() [49]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::small_any_policy<unsigned int>::small_any_policy() [54]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::big_any_policy<cv::String>::big_any_policy() [47]
0.01 0.00 1/1 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) [13]
[14] 0.5 0.01 0.00 1 cvflann::anyimpl::big_any_policy<cvflann::anyimpl::empty_any>::big_any_policy() [14]
0.00 0.00 1/1 cvflann::anyimpl::typed_base_any_policy<cvflann::anyimpl::empty_any>::typed_base_any_policy() [57]
[15] 0.5 0.01 0.00 Color3d::Color3d(Color3d const&) [15]
[16] 0.5 0.00 0.01 __libc_csu_init [16]
0.00 0.01 1/1 _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZmlRKN2cv3MatER7Color3d [12]