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# [mailto:jdesmond1@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Jonathan Desmond], Some other responsibility
# [mailto:jdesmond1@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Jonathan Desmond], Some other responsibility
# [mailto:tsjiang1@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Sallie Jiang], Some other responsibility  
# [mailto:tsjiang1@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Sallie Jiang], Some other responsibility  
# ...
[mailto:fardad.soleimanloo@senecacollege.ca,chris.szalwinski@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Email All]
[mailto:fardad.soleimanloo@senecacollege.ca,chris.szalwinski@senecacollege.ca?subject=gpu610 Email All]

Revision as of 17:53, 6 February 2017

GPU610/DPS915 | Student List | Group and Project Index | Student Resources | Glossary

Project Name Goes here

Team Members

  1. Matt Babol, Some responsibility
  2. Jonathan Desmond, Some other responsibility
  3. Sallie Jiang, Some other responsibility

Email All

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Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3