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OPS335 Assignment 2 - 2016-1

682 bytes added, 07:37, 31 March 2016
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:*Submit the following in Blackboard, Moodle, or whatever your professor specifies in class or "class announements":
::*'''Screenshots''' to demonstrate you have accomplished the required tasks for this assignment.<br>This includes: '''configuration files''', '''service statuses''', and '''basic tests of functionality'''.''' NOTE: You MUST take screenshoots of the ENTIRE screen as opposed to only the VM console'''.
:'''Murray Saul:'''
:* Submission Requirements:
::*In class demonstration of Samba share functionality from Windows machine. It is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate all aspects of functionality (i.e. do not ask instructor for assistance or direction).
::*Email sent to '''''' (subject: '''OPS335 Assignment2''') with zipped file containing:<ul><li>'''Screenshots''' to demonstrate you have accomplished the required tasks for this assignment.</li><li>'''configuration files'''</li><li>'''service statuses'''</li></ul><br><br>
Note that if NOTE (Applied to both instructors):* You MUST take screenshots of the ENTIRE screen as opposed to only the VM console'''. * Iff you're are unable to show that you've completed all the assignment requirements and everything works properly using screenshots - then , you're will not going to get receive marks for those partssections.